Monday, June 25, 2012

Power of Prayer

I have sat down to write this post a few times today. I am struggling how to put my thoughts and feelings into words. This past weekend was very, very scary for our family. My son had some complications from his surgery that put him in the PICU. I saw my son in a way that I never want to see again. Today I am really struggling to get that image out of my head. I am trying to banish the fear and the complete terror that I experienced on Friday. So as of this moment I am putting on my armor (Eph 6). I am choosing an attitude of thanksgiving because God performed a miracle. It is very easy to slip in to the "what ifs". "What if" I didn't check on my son when I did. "What if" he didn't come to so quickly. The "what ifs" didn't happen. What did happen was the God stepped in. He gave me the instinct that I needed, He sent the paramedics in a timely fashion, He guided the doctors and nurses hands, He chose to spare my son. God's people stood around my family and prayed for us when we couldn't pray for ourselves. There are really no words to express my gratitude to those who prayed for us. To God be all the glory that my son is home, and on the road to recovery!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Birthday....part 2!!

Yesterday was my Little Professor's kid birthday party. The theme was LEGOs. We had to change some plans at the last minute because of weather. It was supposed to be a pool party, but it was rainy and cool, not exactly outside weather, so we moved the party inside. While it was a bit chaotic everyone seemed to have a good time! Each family got to take home a LEGO goody bag. Inside were snacks and a LEGO necklace. My dear friend used her awesome cake decorating skills to make him a LEGO cake! She is so talented! We had lots of kid friendly food, like this awesome "corn dog muffins". They couldn't be easier to make....just cut up hotdogs and bake them in your favorite corn muffin. So easy, and so kid friendly!!! As for little guy was excited to get a remote control car, LEGOS and some birthday money. Yesterday evening he and I made a trip to the LEGO store so he could spend his money. He was so excited, declaring it the best birthday EVER! My favorite quote of the day was when we were checking out at the LEGO store. He told the cashier, "This is the to spend and LEGOS in my hand!"

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Happy Birthday!!!!!

Yesterday was my Little Professors 6th birthday. I really can't believe how time has flown! We have moved a total of 6 times in his six years! (just typing that makes me tired, especially when I realize that 5 of the six times was before he was 4.) Things have been a bit up in the air around here lately. We are in the process of buying a house, and it has been quite an experience. We still aren't moved, but because we weren't sure when we were going to be moving I didn't make any concrete plans for celebration. Even though plans weren't "made" we still had a day full of fun. He came downstairs to a LEGO birthday banner. He is really into legos this year, so he loved it! His crown he is wearing in the last picture was given to him the last day of school....he had to wear it all day! My little Roo helped me make him some special pancakes for his birthday. They were "funfetti" cake batter baked as pancakes. Very addicting, and very not part of a nutricious breakfast! A great birthday breakfast! He also got to open a few presents at breakfast. He got Chinese Checkers and some new clothes. The shirt he is holding is a Spiderman shirt and glows in the dark.....he had to wear it! After breakfast we had some pre-op appointments because he is getting his tonsils and adnoids out on the 21st, not the best way to spend your birthday, but oh well. The receptionsists sang "Happy Birthday", and the doctors had to check out his glow in the dark shirt. There were no needles involved, so no tears! After the appointments we headed over the bridge to have lunch with his "Drinny" and "Pap Pap". We took him to a hibachi restaurant. It was fun to watch the reactions to the fire and the show. He didn't like the rush of heat from the fire, but loved the show! They were awesome and really played it up for him and even came out and sang, "Happy Birthday" and let him hit the gong for luck! When we got home he opened the rest of his presents. They included books, a superhero cape, a Nintendo DS (which he has been hinting for) a Star Wars game for it, a science kit and a tin can robot kit. Overall, Cameron declared it to be one of the best days of his life! Monday is his kid part, so the celebration goes on!

Monday, June 4, 2012

Yummy for My Tummy!

This morning my little Roo needed some distraction, so I put down the packing tape and boxes and took her to the kitchen where we mixed up some Pumpkin Pie Granola that I have been wanting to try. I was drawn to this recipe because there is no oil and no nuts! While we don't have any nut allergies, my friends do, so I am always looking for "safe" snacks! My little Roo was a natural in the kitchen! She loved stirring and dumping the ingredients! Here is the recipe we used! Pumpkin Pie Granola (nut free!) 4 cups Old fashioned rolled oats (use gluten free if your sensitive to gluten) 2 tsp Ground cinnamon 1 tsp Pumpkin pie spice 3/4 cup brown sugar 1/2 tsp Salt 1 tsp Baking powder 3/4 cups Pumpkin 1/2 cup Applesauce 3 tbs maple syrup (or honey or agave nectar) Optional Add-ins: 1/2 cup white chocolate chips, 1 cup honey graham crockers lightly crushed, craisins Preheat the oven to 325 degrees. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper, or foil and spray with non-stick cooking spray. Mix the dry ingredients in one bowl, and the wet ingredients in another. Mix the wet ingredients into the dry using a spatula, (or your hands), until everything is well combined and oats are coated with wet ingredients. Place granola on baking sheet and bake for 20 minutes, then stir granola around. Bake for an additional 20 minutes or until the granola is golden brown and is crisp. Take the granola out of the oven, and let it cool completely on the baking sheet. Stir in additional white chocolate chips or teddy grahams at this point if desired. Store in an airtight container for up to one week. I think it will make a great snack as I continue packing!!!!

Crafting Before Crazineess!

So after weeks of not knowing what in the world was going on with the house that we were buying we FINALLY have a closing date! We will be closing this Friday and moving the following weekend. The next two weeks will be busy with packing, moving, end of the school year festivities, Father's Day, my little Professors birthday, my hubby's birthday, and whatever else pops up. Yesterday I decided to get some crafting that needed to be done out of the way, or at least that was my excuse! I put together end of the year presents for my sons teacher and bus drivers. My dad was in town visiting, so I took the opportunity to make his Father's Day present. After a quck trip to Michaels and some fun with spray paint on a windy day, this is what I came up with! What Grandpa doesn't need a way to display pictures of his grandkids! Especially with a new granddaughter on the way! (My sister is having a baby, not me!) I got the idea off of pinterest, but it was too girly, so I made it more "grandpa" then "grandma"! The smileface stickers are scrapbooking stickers that I stuck on with wood glue to make sure they stayed! It was a nice little break from cleaning and packing and doing moving things yesterday. Now I can hardly wait to get in the new house and unpack and get ready to enjoy the summer!!!