I do my best to keep this blog lighthearted. I try not to "preach" or toss out opinions that could bring up conflict or start drama. However, something recently has come up and I feel strongly about it, so please bear with me, and after I get this out of my system I will get back to crafting and cooking and general happiness of all sorts!
I am sure you all have seen the controversial picture posted by a mom, Maria Kang entitled "What is Your Excuse?" I have seen the picture and been to her website and have read alot of rebuttles slamming her picture and saying that it is horrible and making "fat people feel bad". Alot of people are saying that she is making fun of heavier people.
After visiting her website I don't see that side of her at all. She has been on a journey just like the rest of us. She has struggled with her weight, eating disorders and other personal issues, and has conquered them. I believe she is sharing the picture as inspriation.
This year is the first year that I have consistently worked out for longer than a month or two. I have been doing Crossfit for 3 months now. I am doing things that if you had told the 16 year old me I would be doing, there is no way I would have believed you since I am asthmatic, dealing with thyroid problems, bad joints and an all around clumsiness! I am seeing results, I have muscle definition that I have never had in my life.
Why am I doing it? The biggest reason if for my health. I want to be around for my kids and my grandkids and be able to keep up with them. For those of you who know my little Roo, you understand what a challenge that is. I am also doing it as an example for my kids. We have a problem of obesity in this country. I want my family to be part of the solution to that! I want my kids to grow up thinking the excersise is just part of your day and never have to develop the habit.
Getting back to Maria Kang, I personally, don't believe she is saying that you have to look like her, I think she is saying, what is your excuse for not being physically fit? We all are not going to look like her. Her job is to work out, mine is not, mine is to run around and take care of my house and children.
As a Christian I believe my body is God's temple. To be a good steward of that temple I need to keep it in good shape by what I choose to do with my body and what I put into it.
I shall now step down from the soapbox and go craft something!
This is my life. Each day I wear many different hats...this is my journey documenting all of it. The good, the bad, the ugly you will find it here!
Friday, October 25, 2013
Friday, October 4, 2013
Friday Morning Musings......
Once upon a time, in a lifetime far, far away I was a "Monica". For those of you who had other pursuits in the 90's and early 2000's then following the antics of 6 friends in New York city I will explain.
The tv show FRIENDS was a perfect show to lure in the "Save by the Bell" generation. It satisfied the longing we had to have a "posse" that "Saved by the Bell: the College Years" didn't do. Everyone who watched a show had a character that they could identify with. Mine was Monica.
Monica was the super organized, cleaning guru of the group (some might say she was a control freak and a bit germaphobic,but I am not one of those people). When I lived on my own my books, cds and dvd's were organized by genre and then by author/artist in alphabetical order. My apartment was pristine, everything had a place, and if it didn't fit one of the categories is was hidden in a deep dark closet.
In case there are some of you reading this that think I "became" Monica to emulate the character on the show let me explain that I was like this since a child. My mother had to hide the shapie markers so that I wouldn't outline the toys on the shelf so that my sisters would know exactly where things went, and don't even get my started on how I kept my dollhouse!
But there is a bigger point of this blog post then reminicing about one of the best shows of all time. I would really, really like it if they made a follow up episode showing how Monica dealt with raising twins. I want to see how she managed to keep her house clean, because I don't have twins, but I have had to "relax" my standards.
When I had my Little Professor I tried my best to keep up the "Monica" style of housekeeping. During every nap I would painstakingly organize his board books alphabetically. I wiped down his toys every night to clean them. I mopped the floors everyday, and nothing was out of place. Then my little Roo came along, and all assemblance of order went out the window, and got shoved in deep dark places only the brave are willing to enter.
All of this hit me today as I was getting ready for the day and realized I was standing on my pjs, yes, on not in. Instead of placing them where they go, the proper laundry basket, I took them off and left them on the floor! Oh, the horror!!!! The 1999 me would be agast with terror! What have I become?
Oh yeah, I became a mother. Instead of having to clean up after one person, I have three other people to clean up after, and take care of, and entertain and drive around.
In my mind I long to be the perfectly organized mother. My home filled with pretty things that help stimulate my children's intellectual growth, a chart documenting what should happen everytime of the day. My children would always be dressed like the kids in the GYMBOREE ads. My house would inspire others and pictures of my organizational skills would dominate PINTEREST. And while I am living in a dream world, woodland creatures would frolic in my backyard, but they wouldn't be talking because that would be creepy.
I wonder if Monica's home would fall into disrepair. I wonder if she would she would still organize her towels into categories or just be happy that there were clean towels in a laundry basket. I would like to think that motherhood mellowed her out, that she would figure out as I have that taking time to sit down and play LEGOS is more important than making sure the LEGOS were organized in perfect boxes. That having a tea party with mismatched tea sets is more precious than making sure the tea sets match.
(this picture would make the 1999 me cringe in disgust, the 2013 me is going to leave it a bit messy and go play house with my little Roo)
The tv show FRIENDS was a perfect show to lure in the "Save by the Bell" generation. It satisfied the longing we had to have a "posse" that "Saved by the Bell: the College Years" didn't do. Everyone who watched a show had a character that they could identify with. Mine was Monica.
Monica was the super organized, cleaning guru of the group (some might say she was a control freak and a bit germaphobic,but I am not one of those people). When I lived on my own my books, cds and dvd's were organized by genre and then by author/artist in alphabetical order. My apartment was pristine, everything had a place, and if it didn't fit one of the categories is was hidden in a deep dark closet.
In case there are some of you reading this that think I "became" Monica to emulate the character on the show let me explain that I was like this since a child. My mother had to hide the shapie markers so that I wouldn't outline the toys on the shelf so that my sisters would know exactly where things went, and don't even get my started on how I kept my dollhouse!
But there is a bigger point of this blog post then reminicing about one of the best shows of all time. I would really, really like it if they made a follow up episode showing how Monica dealt with raising twins. I want to see how she managed to keep her house clean, because I don't have twins, but I have had to "relax" my standards.
When I had my Little Professor I tried my best to keep up the "Monica" style of housekeeping. During every nap I would painstakingly organize his board books alphabetically. I wiped down his toys every night to clean them. I mopped the floors everyday, and nothing was out of place. Then my little Roo came along, and all assemblance of order went out the window, and got shoved in deep dark places only the brave are willing to enter.
All of this hit me today as I was getting ready for the day and realized I was standing on my pjs, yes, on not in. Instead of placing them where they go, the proper laundry basket, I took them off and left them on the floor! Oh, the horror!!!! The 1999 me would be agast with terror! What have I become?
Oh yeah, I became a mother. Instead of having to clean up after one person, I have three other people to clean up after, and take care of, and entertain and drive around.
In my mind I long to be the perfectly organized mother. My home filled with pretty things that help stimulate my children's intellectual growth, a chart documenting what should happen everytime of the day. My children would always be dressed like the kids in the GYMBOREE ads. My house would inspire others and pictures of my organizational skills would dominate PINTEREST. And while I am living in a dream world, woodland creatures would frolic in my backyard, but they wouldn't be talking because that would be creepy.
I wonder if Monica's home would fall into disrepair. I wonder if she would she would still organize her towels into categories or just be happy that there were clean towels in a laundry basket. I would like to think that motherhood mellowed her out, that she would figure out as I have that taking time to sit down and play LEGOS is more important than making sure the LEGOS were organized in perfect boxes. That having a tea party with mismatched tea sets is more precious than making sure the tea sets match.
(this picture would make the 1999 me cringe in disgust, the 2013 me is going to leave it a bit messy and go play house with my little Roo)
Thursday, October 3, 2013
Did You Miss Me?
I haven't posted in a very long time. Life has just been super busy! But now it is fall, the time of year that I love, and now that it is cooler bakiong and crafting are on my agenda!!
Yesterday I made my first "fall recipe", Butternut Squash Soup. It is one of my favorite soups, and I have played around with different ways of making it, and I think I finally got it just right! So here is the recipe!
Welcome Back Fall Butternut Squash Soup
1 Large Butternut squash cut in 1/4s
Olive Oil
salt for sprinkling
1 appled cut in 1/4s
2 shallots with the skin peeled off
1 can chicken broth
1 cup of white wine (or apple juice)
1 tsp ancho chili powder
1 tsp smoked paprika
1/4 tsp ground ginger
1/4 tsp red pepper flakes
1 cup of shredded parmesan cheese (plus more for garnish)
1 cup of milk
Place the squash, drizzled with olive oil and sprinkled with salt, apple and shallots in a roasting pan. Pour one cup of water into the pan. Roast at 350 degrees for about an hour, or until squash is tender (keep an eye on the apples, take them out early if they need to be taken out).
When it is cool enough to touch, scoop out the squash and the apples from their skins. Add the squash, apples and shallots into a large saucepan. Pour in chicken broth and wine (or apple juice)simmer for 30 min.
After the 30 minutes are up add 1 tsp ancho chili powder, 1 tsp smoked paprika, 1/4 tsp ginger and 1/4 tsp of red pepper flakes, let simmer for 30 min more.
Then blend the ingredients together with an immersion blender or in a blender in batches.
* at this point the soup is great to freeze if you are making this ahead of time*
About 30 minutes before you are going to enjoy the soup, add with milk and shredded parmesan cheese. Heat over low heat until it is heated through. Garnish with more cheese.
A quick side note, I would not try making this recipe in the crockpot. I have tried in previous years, and was disapointed in the texture.
This year I added Martha Stewarts Bacon Jam. However, I did tweak it a bit to make it "paleo friendly" for a few of my friends! If you google it you will find the original recipe, but I will share what I did.
Bacon Jam
1 1/2 pounds sliced bacon, cut crosswise into 1-inch pieces
2 medium yellow onions, diced small
3 garlic cloves, smashed and peeled
1/2 cup cider vinegar
1 cup pure maple syrup
3/4 cup brewed coffee
In a large skillet, cook bacon over medium-high, stirring occasionally, until fat is rendered and bacon is lightly browned, about 20 minutes. With a slotted spoon, transfer bacon to paper towels to drain. Pour off all but 1 tablespoon fat from skillet (reserve for another use); add onions and garlic, and cook until onions are translucent, about 6 minutes. Add vinegar, maple syrup, and coffee and bring to a boil, stirring and scraping up browned bits from skillet with a wooden spoon, about 2 minutes. Add bacon and stir to combine.
Transfer mixture to a 6-quart slow cooker and cook on high, uncovered, until liquid is syrupy, 3 1/2 to 4 hours. Transfer to a food processor; pulse until coarsely chopped. Let cool, then refrigerate in airtight containers, up to 4 weeks.
Making this soup and the jam made my house smell so homey and "fally" yesterday!! What a great way to start the season!
Yesterday I made my first "fall recipe", Butternut Squash Soup. It is one of my favorite soups, and I have played around with different ways of making it, and I think I finally got it just right! So here is the recipe!
Welcome Back Fall Butternut Squash Soup
1 Large Butternut squash cut in 1/4s
Olive Oil
salt for sprinkling
1 appled cut in 1/4s
2 shallots with the skin peeled off
1 can chicken broth
1 cup of white wine (or apple juice)
1 tsp ancho chili powder
1 tsp smoked paprika
1/4 tsp ground ginger
1/4 tsp red pepper flakes
1 cup of shredded parmesan cheese (plus more for garnish)
1 cup of milk
Place the squash, drizzled with olive oil and sprinkled with salt, apple and shallots in a roasting pan. Pour one cup of water into the pan. Roast at 350 degrees for about an hour, or until squash is tender (keep an eye on the apples, take them out early if they need to be taken out).
When it is cool enough to touch, scoop out the squash and the apples from their skins. Add the squash, apples and shallots into a large saucepan. Pour in chicken broth and wine (or apple juice)simmer for 30 min.
After the 30 minutes are up add 1 tsp ancho chili powder, 1 tsp smoked paprika, 1/4 tsp ginger and 1/4 tsp of red pepper flakes, let simmer for 30 min more.
Then blend the ingredients together with an immersion blender or in a blender in batches.
* at this point the soup is great to freeze if you are making this ahead of time*
About 30 minutes before you are going to enjoy the soup, add with milk and shredded parmesan cheese. Heat over low heat until it is heated through. Garnish with more cheese.
A quick side note, I would not try making this recipe in the crockpot. I have tried in previous years, and was disapointed in the texture.
This year I added Martha Stewarts Bacon Jam. However, I did tweak it a bit to make it "paleo friendly" for a few of my friends! If you google it you will find the original recipe, but I will share what I did.
Bacon Jam
1 1/2 pounds sliced bacon, cut crosswise into 1-inch pieces
2 medium yellow onions, diced small
3 garlic cloves, smashed and peeled
1/2 cup cider vinegar
1 cup pure maple syrup
3/4 cup brewed coffee
In a large skillet, cook bacon over medium-high, stirring occasionally, until fat is rendered and bacon is lightly browned, about 20 minutes. With a slotted spoon, transfer bacon to paper towels to drain. Pour off all but 1 tablespoon fat from skillet (reserve for another use); add onions and garlic, and cook until onions are translucent, about 6 minutes. Add vinegar, maple syrup, and coffee and bring to a boil, stirring and scraping up browned bits from skillet with a wooden spoon, about 2 minutes. Add bacon and stir to combine.
Transfer mixture to a 6-quart slow cooker and cook on high, uncovered, until liquid is syrupy, 3 1/2 to 4 hours. Transfer to a food processor; pulse until coarsely chopped. Let cool, then refrigerate in airtight containers, up to 4 weeks.
Making this soup and the jam made my house smell so homey and "fally" yesterday!! What a great way to start the season!
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
The Good, The Bad and The Party!
There comes a point in every mother's life that you realize, no matter how bad you want to be June Cleaver, you will never be. While I would love to wear pearls while vacuuming they don't really go with pj pants and an oversized shirt. I would love to keep my house as spotless and pristine as she managed to, but really, I don't have stagehands that help out behind the scenes!
So with my new reality check in the front of my mind I would like to share the journey that was my daughters 3 year old birthday party.
It was Christmastime when we first started discussing my little Roo's birthday party. I had already been "planning" a fairy garden party, because isn't that what most girls would want? I must have forgotten who my daughter is, because when asked, she wanted a "Pink Superhero Party".
I was proud...my daughter is an individual, this would be no run of the mill birthday party! A pink superhero party! I could handle this with my eyes closed....everything would go smoothly! I would preside over the party with a calm smile on my face, not breaking a sweat! It would be magical!
I went on Pinterest and got inspired. I loved so many of the decorations, but I am not gifted in graphic design at all, so I called a friend and we brainstormed and she would take care of all of my design needs. I checked that off my list with a smug grin, easy...right? It is all about delegation!
I decided that instead of goody bags, the kids would love handmade superhero capes. I went to the store to by the fabric, pink and turquoise for the girls, red and blue for the boys. Fabric bought, my list for the party was going along swimmingly.
Then low and behold I realized that it was only a week till the party. WHAT? Where had the time gone? Panic mode starting setting in! I decided that I would knock out the capes that morning.
I had made the capes a million times in my head. I knew exactly what I would do. I would be done in 2 hours tops!
This is how the time went....
9:30am-9:45am - cut the fabric for all of the girls capes.
9:45am - 9:50am - sewed the first cape
9:51am - realized that I had sewed the cape in such a way that I could not turn it right side out
9:52am - 10:00am - took out the stitches while listening to my loving husband tell me how I should have done it to save me the frustration of taking out the stitches
10:01am - considered either a) divorcing my loving husband b)throwing my sewing machine at him
10:02am - realized that neither were a viable option.
10:03am - starting sewing the cape for the second time
10:08am - realized I had yet again messed up
10:09am - now thinking murderous thoughts about my sewing machine....it should know what to do right?
10:10am - got some more "suggestions" from loving hubby.....again considered a divorce lawyer
10:15 - started sewing cape for the third time
10:25 - finished cape number 1
10:30 - 10:45 finished cape number 2 and decided that I had PLENTY of time to finish the other 8 capes, after all I had 6 days....easy
Monday was Presidents Day and I decided that after my tramatic day before I needed to take a day off. So I read books on my Kindle, did any mothering that needed to be done, and played Fruit Ninga. After all I had 5 days!
Tuesday I kept thinking it was Monday, and had no stress, still had 5 days...it wasn't until the afternoon that I realized I had only 4 days! I was so stressed that I had to take a hot bath and drink a glass of wine to calm my nerves.
Wednesday I got organized and made lists of things I needed to get done....remember I still had 8 capes to sew!
Thursday I went to visit my friend who just moved. I brought the capes with me because she is an awesome seamstress and offered to "help" me sew them. She ended up doing all the sewing, because she is so much better at it than I am, and I cleaned the tops of her cabinets.
Friday, the day before the party, full blown panic mode set in! I made my list, checked it twice, loaded up on coffee and went to work.
First on my list....cupackes.
I will admit I used a box mix. I love baking from scratch, but have decided kids don't really appreciate the time and effort, they just want to get sugared up. I found some cool blue sparkles to put into the mix. I put them in the oven, with a smile on my face!

The smile kinda faltered when I took them out of the oven and realized that the blue sprinkles just made them look moldy! Oh well, they were going to get covered with hot pink frosting, no one would see the "mold" spots!
Next I decided that the next thing that should be done was to clean my house. I mean, that makes perfect sense, right? I was having a children's birthday party after all. I am sure the kids will play house inspector and care how the house looks.
I realized the folly of my thinking, but by that time I was too involved to give it up.

You can't really give up when your house looks like this!
I took some breaks in the cleaning to make my city scape. My plan, along with the capes was that each kid would get their picture taken in a "photobooth" that I would set up. I learned the hard way that spray paint doesn't work on cardboard. So I had to move to plan B, and cover the boxes with white paper, while convincing the birthday girl that the boxes weren't presents for her to open.
By then it was about 2 o'clock in the afternoon and I decided that I should really empty the dishwasher and clean up the house so that when my loving husband walks in the place wouldn't be a complete disaster! As I emptied the dishwasher I went to put away a wine glass, but decided that a glass of wine was in order.

By the evening I was exhausted. I knew I still had to blow up balloons for the photos, but decided that could wait till the day of the party!
My cute little "alarm clock" woke me up at 530am. I got my MEGA cup of coffee and went to work. I barreled through the tasks, even having to run to Walmart for a few things that I had forgotten.
By the time guests started arriving I had found my cool and calm attitude. June Cleaver has nothing on me!! Now I get to start planning a Greek Mythology party for my little professor in June.....I have plenty of time!

So with my new reality check in the front of my mind I would like to share the journey that was my daughters 3 year old birthday party.
It was Christmastime when we first started discussing my little Roo's birthday party. I had already been "planning" a fairy garden party, because isn't that what most girls would want? I must have forgotten who my daughter is, because when asked, she wanted a "Pink Superhero Party".
I was proud...my daughter is an individual, this would be no run of the mill birthday party! A pink superhero party! I could handle this with my eyes closed....everything would go smoothly! I would preside over the party with a calm smile on my face, not breaking a sweat! It would be magical!
I went on Pinterest and got inspired. I loved so many of the decorations, but I am not gifted in graphic design at all, so I called a friend and we brainstormed and she would take care of all of my design needs. I checked that off my list with a smug grin, easy...right? It is all about delegation!
I decided that instead of goody bags, the kids would love handmade superhero capes. I went to the store to by the fabric, pink and turquoise for the girls, red and blue for the boys. Fabric bought, my list for the party was going along swimmingly.
Then low and behold I realized that it was only a week till the party. WHAT? Where had the time gone? Panic mode starting setting in! I decided that I would knock out the capes that morning.
I had made the capes a million times in my head. I knew exactly what I would do. I would be done in 2 hours tops!
This is how the time went....
9:30am-9:45am - cut the fabric for all of the girls capes.
9:45am - 9:50am - sewed the first cape
9:51am - realized that I had sewed the cape in such a way that I could not turn it right side out
9:52am - 10:00am - took out the stitches while listening to my loving husband tell me how I should have done it to save me the frustration of taking out the stitches
10:01am - considered either a) divorcing my loving husband b)throwing my sewing machine at him
10:02am - realized that neither were a viable option.
10:03am - starting sewing the cape for the second time
10:08am - realized I had yet again messed up
10:09am - now thinking murderous thoughts about my sewing machine....it should know what to do right?
10:10am - got some more "suggestions" from loving hubby.....again considered a divorce lawyer
10:15 - started sewing cape for the third time
10:25 - finished cape number 1
10:30 - 10:45 finished cape number 2 and decided that I had PLENTY of time to finish the other 8 capes, after all I had 6 days....easy
Monday was Presidents Day and I decided that after my tramatic day before I needed to take a day off. So I read books on my Kindle, did any mothering that needed to be done, and played Fruit Ninga. After all I had 5 days!
Tuesday I kept thinking it was Monday, and had no stress, still had 5 days...it wasn't until the afternoon that I realized I had only 4 days! I was so stressed that I had to take a hot bath and drink a glass of wine to calm my nerves.
Wednesday I got organized and made lists of things I needed to get done....remember I still had 8 capes to sew!
Thursday I went to visit my friend who just moved. I brought the capes with me because she is an awesome seamstress and offered to "help" me sew them. She ended up doing all the sewing, because she is so much better at it than I am, and I cleaned the tops of her cabinets.
Friday, the day before the party, full blown panic mode set in! I made my list, checked it twice, loaded up on coffee and went to work.
First on my list....cupackes.
I will admit I used a box mix. I love baking from scratch, but have decided kids don't really appreciate the time and effort, they just want to get sugared up. I found some cool blue sparkles to put into the mix. I put them in the oven, with a smile on my face!
The smile kinda faltered when I took them out of the oven and realized that the blue sprinkles just made them look moldy! Oh well, they were going to get covered with hot pink frosting, no one would see the "mold" spots!
Next I decided that the next thing that should be done was to clean my house. I mean, that makes perfect sense, right? I was having a children's birthday party after all. I am sure the kids will play house inspector and care how the house looks.
I realized the folly of my thinking, but by that time I was too involved to give it up.
You can't really give up when your house looks like this!
I took some breaks in the cleaning to make my city scape. My plan, along with the capes was that each kid would get their picture taken in a "photobooth" that I would set up. I learned the hard way that spray paint doesn't work on cardboard. So I had to move to plan B, and cover the boxes with white paper, while convincing the birthday girl that the boxes weren't presents for her to open.
By then it was about 2 o'clock in the afternoon and I decided that I should really empty the dishwasher and clean up the house so that when my loving husband walks in the place wouldn't be a complete disaster! As I emptied the dishwasher I went to put away a wine glass, but decided that a glass of wine was in order.
By the evening I was exhausted. I knew I still had to blow up balloons for the photos, but decided that could wait till the day of the party!
My cute little "alarm clock" woke me up at 530am. I got my MEGA cup of coffee and went to work. I barreled through the tasks, even having to run to Walmart for a few things that I had forgotten.
By the time guests started arriving I had found my cool and calm attitude. June Cleaver has nothing on me!! Now I get to start planning a Greek Mythology party for my little professor in June.....I have plenty of time!
Thursday, January 10, 2013
Quick and Easy and Portable....Oh My!!!
While looking around Pinterest I came across a pin for a "White Bean and Artichoke Spread". It looked very yummy, so I bought some white beans and artichoke hearts awhile back, but finally decided to make it today.
I changed the recipe quite a bit to cover for what I had in the house and leaving out the fat. It came out more of a hummus consistency, rather than the spread the original recipe claimed, but it is alot healthier and flavor packed!
White Bean and Arichoke "Hummus"
2 cans white beans
1 can artichoke heart
1/4 cup bread and butter pickles
2 cloves minced garlic
1 tsp capers
1 TBSP lemon juice
2 tsp sweet paprika
1/4 tsp red pepper flakes
salt to taste
Add all ingredients to your food processor. Blend and enjoy!
My little kitchen helper!!
I changed the recipe quite a bit to cover for what I had in the house and leaving out the fat. It came out more of a hummus consistency, rather than the spread the original recipe claimed, but it is alot healthier and flavor packed!
White Bean and Arichoke "Hummus"
2 cans white beans
1 can artichoke heart
1/4 cup bread and butter pickles
2 cloves minced garlic
1 tsp capers
1 TBSP lemon juice
2 tsp sweet paprika
1/4 tsp red pepper flakes
salt to taste
Add all ingredients to your food processor. Blend and enjoy!
My little kitchen helper!!
Wednesday, January 9, 2013
I am back...did you miss me?
The last part of 2012 went by with a blur. My photography business kept me very busy, and then family time took up the rest.
So now that things have slowed down, as much as life slows down when you are a mom, I hope to have some time to blog a bit more.
While I am not a big New Years Resolution person, I do like to take the new year and use it as a new start for things that got kinda left behind the craziness of the holiday season.
One of the things that got kind of shoved to the side was taking time to just "play" with my kids. During the holiday most of our playing has an "agenda", whether it is crafting holiday gifts or playing "baker" all the playing had a reason. Today I decided to do something that I have wanted to do for awhile, especially since after Christmas we are all "armed" with NERF guns.
Alot of times our games are geared more for my little Roo because she is the youngest. Today I decided to bring out a game specifically for my little Professor.
This is the letter that greeted him when he got home from school today.
And he had plenty of ammo......
These are the dastardly villians who let themselves in while he was in school!!
He had a great time finding them and wiping them out. He and his sister are having a grand time hiding the villians for each other leaving me a few precious moments to write this blog post!
So now that things have slowed down, as much as life slows down when you are a mom, I hope to have some time to blog a bit more.
While I am not a big New Years Resolution person, I do like to take the new year and use it as a new start for things that got kinda left behind the craziness of the holiday season.
One of the things that got kind of shoved to the side was taking time to just "play" with my kids. During the holiday most of our playing has an "agenda", whether it is crafting holiday gifts or playing "baker" all the playing had a reason. Today I decided to do something that I have wanted to do for awhile, especially since after Christmas we are all "armed" with NERF guns.
Alot of times our games are geared more for my little Roo because she is the youngest. Today I decided to bring out a game specifically for my little Professor.
This is the letter that greeted him when he got home from school today.
And he had plenty of ammo......
These are the dastardly villians who let themselves in while he was in school!!
He had a great time finding them and wiping them out. He and his sister are having a grand time hiding the villians for each other leaving me a few precious moments to write this blog post!
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