Friday, May 11, 2012

I Got to Say "YES"!!

Lately I feel I have been saying "no" from the time I wake up, till the time when my little angel go to bed. "No you can't play on the computer", "no you can't play with the toilet water", no you can't change your own diaper", "no you can't use your brother as couch"....well, you get the picture. Yesterday my day was blissfully free of "have to's". I had no errands that had to be run on any type of schedule, and while there was cleaning that needed to be done, I scattered that through out my day, so I had some time just to play with my little girl. I took her to the lake near our house, and I wanted to focus on saying "yes". "Yes you can sit on every bench that around the park", "yes you can feed the ducks", "yes you can sit and look at the water as long as you would like". I even let her carry my bag that help her juice and other things we had taken along (plus the 5,000 sticks she had picked up along the way). Motherhood is tough, it is easy for me to get overwhelmed with the responsibility of raising my children, and forget to take time and let them have fun and just be kids! I still won't let my little Roo do everything she wants, but I need to make sure to take time to let her be her, as long as it is safe and won't result in her taking over the world!

1 comment:

  1. That, my dear, is a huge lesson learned. Good for you.
