Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Love....True Love

You get extra cool points if you know what movie I am referencing in my title!
Our "Valentine's Day Magic" started last night. After my little professor fell asleep I snuck into his room and decorated his closet.
Each of the 25 hearts listed one of the things that my husband and I love about him.
He really seemed to enjoy it. I am thinking of leaving them up, so that way when we have one of "those days" it can remind both him and I of all the wonderful things about him!
I also packed him a special Valentine's Day lunch, I only wish I were going to be there to see his face when he discovers all of his treats!

I got up a bit early this morning to put together our Valentines Day breakfast. Once I got it in the oven I had sometime to kill. So with my feet wearing Valentine's Day socks, that my dad got me a few years ago (because anyone who knows me, knows that this is the only day of the year I will wear the socks) and sipping coffee out of my Valentines Day mug, I started meditating on John 15:13 "Greater love has no one than this, that one lay down his life for his friends".
The idea that we weren't even Christ's friends when He died for us just astounds me! That is definately a "God-thing". It is because of that sacrifice that we are able to celebrate Valentine's Day at all. It is because of that sacrifice that we are able to show love to each other.
After my few quiet moments I got together the kids breakfast. Puff pastry hearts with a berry sauce.
They were very yummy, but a little messy!
The kids came downstairs to a few little Valentine's Day gifts from us and their grandparents. I put them in little heart baskets that my dear friend had given me a few years ago.

I am sending my little professor to school for his first Valentines Day school party. Watching him fill out Valentines cards for his classmates brought back some fun memories. Later on we will enjoy a Valentine's Day party with our military family!
Our mailboxes are all ready for some Valentines!
So Happy Valentines Day everyone! Hope you have a wonderful day filled with love!


  1. I am wearing my Christmas underpants in honor of you today - happy Valentine's day! :D

  2. I LOVE those mailboxes!! You are such an awesome Mom!!! What a wonderful morning you had for your little ones. :)
