Friday, February 17, 2012

Old into New

For awhile now I have been wanting to make my storage bins pretty. I know it might sound odd, but I would like something pretty to look at when I go to clean or even just open my closet.
Recently we have gotten a COSTCO memebership, and since you buy in bulk, you get some pretty cool, usable boxes! So this morning I went out to the garage and got one of our coffee boxes.
I really love the look of burlap, and at a recent trip to the fabric store I picked up a couple of yards. I was pleasantly suprised how in expensive it was.
Using the burlap I covered the box. It looked nice but rather plan. Then I remembered a table runner that my mother-in-law got me a few years ago. I love it, but it recently got ruined by some melted wax, so I decided to re-purpose it!
So I cut it a bit and used it to embellishment my new storage container!
Don't my supplies look "pretty" in their new home?
And my I think my laundry closet looks a bit prettier....I still have some more work to do, but it is a start!