Yesterday was my birthday. I haven't had a good track record with birthdays. Nothing ever seemed to turn out the way I wanted it to. So this year I decided to celebrate my birthday week. I got the idea from my sister, and really liked the idea.
So last weekend I cleaned the whole house and knocked out a bunch of things off my "to do" list, so that this week I could do fun things.
It has been awesome! I have crafted, spent time with friends and basically just relaxed.
Tuesday night I was surprised by my friends throwing me a party.
I was very surprised and touched.
I really do love these ladies! They are an amazing group of women who have become like family to me. I am truly blessed! Even though the military will spread us around a bit I know that we will always have a bond, and hopefully yearly vacations together!
Yesterday on my actual birthday, I got to spend some time visiting with friends. That afternoon my little professor took the time to decorate my birthday cupcakes.
My little guy also decorated a birthday plate for me.
Apparently he had his heart set on making me a plate. I love him so much!
I was given quite a few books to read, which makes me so happy! I love having a full reading list.
We were able to drop the kids off at a friends, and then we went to look at a potential house and out for a quiet sushi dinner.
All in all it has been a great "birthday week" and I still have another day to go!!!
Hooray for birthday week!!